Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thinking about vlogging? Here are some things you will need to know!

Hey Guys! I must say that i take great honor in writing this post. I usually try to pertain to my vlogs on youtube and thought this might be something i could talk about.

So Last month (January 2013) I filmed, edited, and uploaded a video with the aim of getting "first-time vloggers" on their feet and finding their place in the heavily-competive vlogging world. If you would rather watch the video than read this post, I understand. You can watch it here. 

Ever since the upload date, i have been sending this video and a very intriquite message to 12 people that i deserve have the desire to make quality youtube videos in the future. To do this, i have been going up to the youtube search bar, typing "my first vlog", and then specifying under 'filters", with the upload date of "today". There is multiple criteria that i am looking for when i send these messages, some days there are good people, others there are barely any people that look promising, but nevertheless i try and help them as much as i can. I copy and paste the name of their channel into a document and then later send all 12 people the following message:


Hello! I see that you are new to the youtube community and that you have started making vlogs! Firstly i must congradulate you on putting your first video on youtube! I remember when i was in your shoes, and now i am going to school for film! Actually, a month (1/14) recieved a letter from my dream college (SAIC-School of the art institute of chicago) that i had been accepted! Anyways, i got a bit off track there, but i wanted to send this message to tell you that i am here to help! A few weeks ago, i made a video that is intended to help first-time/beginner vloggers find their place and getting used to the youtube community! The video is quite long but simply could not make any shorter, but i HIGHLY advise that you watch it! If you plan to continue your channel at all i would make this a NECESSITY view! Also, feel free to kind of advertise your channel in the comments section of the video and direct your friends to this video if they are interested in doing this as well!

I hope that the video helps you out a lot and hopefully i am able to help you get your feet in straight in the vlogger community! Also remember that, if the video or advice helped you, remember to subscribe!

What i did to find you: Ever since i have uploaded this video, i have been going up to the youtube search bar and typing "my first vlog, today" and then watching and visiting your channel to copy and paste your channel username... i have until recentally been subscribing to every person i add, but i am reaching my limit of 2k subscriptions, so if you REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want a sub from me, i suspect you ask SUPER nice XD! Anyways, i have had 35+ satisfied beginner vloggers that have better videos now because of this video! You want a shoutout? i can get you one in a future video!



I will now give you what i say in this video;


Welcome to youtube! This is proboly your first time making a video and this is what this video is intended for; If you have made your first video or you are thinking about making a youtube channel so you can post videos, primarily vlogs. This is a video to help all you guys out there, i guess youtube "noobs" that aren't familiar with youtube and you proboly need some help getting your channel up! I remember when i first started doing this... I really had no idea what i was doing, and here i am teaching you how to make a start on youtube. This is not really a video/post to help get you "big", although i suppose you could look at this that way. but i am going to help you guys all out.

Just to let you know on the competition on youtube, I went into the youtube search bar the other day and typed "my first vlog, this month", and about 10,000 results popped up!

So already you are aware that there are THOUSANDS of new people starting vlogging or making videos every single day! Besides the fact that ~48 Hours of videos are uploaded every minute, and only a small percentage go viral... most of the videos get within the 0-10 views range. 

So if you are watching/viewing this video/post, it doesn't matter how big you are, but YOU, yes YOU! YOU want more views! I am going to try to help you do so.

Artificial viewing/subscribing sites:

There are sites where you can buy facebook folowers, subscribers, views, etc. etc. Now, you DON'T want to do that. There is also Sub4Sub, which i will be going over all of these in a minute here. 

So When you are going to one of these sites and your thinking *hey, i'm gonna buy some views, i'm gonna earn some views, it'll be all right i mean, this site says it's safe and that youtube won't detect it!* But the thing is; EVERY single site that you are going to come to is going to say that it is safe and that youtube won't detect them. Now how come people are getting their accounts banned because of these sites? it's because obiously most of them aren't safe! They aren't safe! The only true way to get actual views is by EARNING them! The only actual and safest way to get pay-per-views is by the youtube promotion which will put you on the side of the page and you'll pay for a certain amout of views! However, if you are younger and don't have a credit card, that may not be an option for you quite yet. 

Sub 4 Sub: first of all, if you don't know what it is, the general overview is the following; you subscribe to their account and in return, they will subscribe to your account. I have done this on a few occasions, i'm not gonna lie. But those sub4sub people, they aren't actual subscribers... all they want is a subscriber for themselves to make themselves look good. They aren't real. They will most likely not check out your videos, they won't come back to your channel, and most of the time, even if you have a really good channel, they're not gonna comment on it, they aren't even gonna tell you that you have a nice channel! they just want YOU to subscribe to them and that's all they want. Also, most of these people that do ONLY sub4sub, WILL get detected and will get banned! So do not do this if you are looking only for subscribers, views is what counts. 

Things you need to know about your first video:

1.) Don't shoot your video(s) in a dark room with your webcam. You can shoot with your webcam, but try to keep at least a little bit of lighting on. You HAVE to see your face for a video. Even if it's really bright, it's better than not being to be able to see you clearly. If you don't have a lighting studio, a better option would be to record when the sun is still out and shining in the early afternoon hours. 

2.) Youtube Comments/haters: So you just made your first video and you have some good feedback and some bad feedback in the comments section... but the only thing is: the good feedback is pretty much the only thing that really matters. The bad feedback could be anything, but it will usually be jealousy. but i must tell you, there will ALWAYS, and i repeat ALWAYS be people that are hating on you! It doesn't matter how big you are or how popular or famous you are, there will ALWAYS be people that will hate on you because you are ALIVE. Even if it's a good video, there will be haters. Take my advice and NEVER take their negative advice to the next level and STOP posting videos! i have seen that on multiple people where they make their first video and they see a lot of negative comments, but at the same time have some really good comments. don't let that happen to you. 

3.) Video content/Imitation: It doesn't matter if someone is your idol or someone really inspires you to do videos, but whatever you do, do NOT copy them!!! Don't impersonate them! You can make an impersonation video, however, don't base your entire youtube channel off someone else and thinking that you're gonna get famous off something that someone else already has gotten famous from. I have a friend on youtube that was copying nigahiga and he got a lot of hate comments, a lot of dislikes, he pretty much spammed nigahiga's videos comment section and told everyone to watch his videos and he got quite a bit of popularity from it, but in the end, he ended up leaving youtube but leaving his channel intact. it is possible to get famous off someone else, but you will get a lot of negative feedback in the process. My brother has done the same thing, but is copying tobuscus for all his videos and is hoping to strike popularity in the future. he is already giving me advice on how to make a viral video when i've told him multiple times already that i've said that? My most viral video currently only has 13k views and that is not even on my main channel (itsgrantcasual) but on my hair channel (grantshairtips) and my most viral video on this channel has about 3.5k. 


This is proboly your first time making a video, and i've come a long way since my first video, but when i made my first video, i didn't even know what a vlog was. I thought it was a talk show, so i had no idea what i was doing and had no idea what i was getting myself into... but here i am as a youtube partner and over 1,000 subscribers over a year and a half later still making videos and i still enjoy it! 

I can tell you that some people will be naturally youtube famous, and what i mean by that is; they will be great at youtube from the start and they will most likely be the most successful. Others will have to rise and get better, like me. on my first video, i had no idea how to edit, no idea what i was really doing... I was sitting at my computer with my ipod right above my laptop (because i didn't want to use the webcam) and i had a layout for what i was gonna do in the video right below it. I studdered a lot, i didn't know how to talk, especially in real life... i made the video because i thought i might be able to become famous and i've made it kind of there... But i've still got a log way to go. I hope that someday you guys will get to your goal wherever that is, i don't know how far you want to take it... i can tell you that i once started out JUST like you! And now i am going to film school for it! It happened! And that's an example as to where this can take you. I don't know how serious you are about this, but i do know that you CAN make it a living eventually if you continue making videos and also advertising your videos! 


This is the easiest and best way to promote your channel: through social networking and such. it is a good idea to create a buisness card to give to all the people that are interested. You can put all your information about your show on it! Including; your channel url, your facebook fanpage, slogan and picture! If you come across someone in the streets that is interested in you, you can pull out your handy dandy card and say "hey, i make videos on youtube, i do that a lot, come check out my channel!" they will proboly check out your channel! 

Facebook/social: Making a facebook fanpage and linking it to your youtube and putting in the description of your videos can be good, you can post updates, videos and cool people's channels on your page and make sure to get people to like it! get people you know already to like and expirament with it frist to grow your likes and a following.

Yttalk: This is a youtube forum for youtubers with all sorts of people on there of every type of style of videos! You can post your videos up there, you can post a welcome statement saying *hey, i'm new here and i just started putting up videos and i need to get a following going*... And most of the people there will check out your page you might get hey 10-15 subscribers from just posting a little thing there. The community is great and the people are nice and will welcome you to youtube/the yttalk community. This is a great site if you are just starting out or even if you are at my stage and need a little more help and a little more popularity. So if you need some help, is the place to go! the only downside to this site is that you are allowed one (1) post a day wheather it be a video, a question, but replies to other people's posts are unlimited. Add me on there, my name is "Grant Casual". there are usually about 30 or 40 active people on there all the time. People can even subscribe to you through the site and under every post you make there is a direct link to your channel! how 'bout that! 

Feel free to advertise your channel in the comments section below (video or blog). you have great talent, you have a GREAT possible future, your gonna make great videos, i know it! I will be with you every step of the way! If you want to, you can look through my videos and maybe get some ideas for yourself and even POST A VIDEO RESPONSE if you want to! 

Ending your video: 

At the end of every video you have, make sure to tell people to subscribe to you in something of this nature!

"Make sure to subscribe down below, like, comment, and share and be sure to check out my facebook below which would be great if you 'liked'! Thanks and have a good day!"

Please comment below! Thanks for reading!