Monday, May 20, 2013

Funny things to say to siri? I have a list...

Siri can think of some unique things to respond with...

Hey! So yes a few months ago the iPod touch gen. 5 came out and along with that, the wonderful voice assistant came out; Siri. I made a video the 1st of this year (2013) with 50 funny things to say to siri if you really want to have some fun and waste an hour or two talking to your phone. I have the list of what you can say to her and you could watch the video to see how she responds! don't forget to watch the video because that's why i wrote this.. to get you to watch it! so without further adu.. the list!


So as always, if you really enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe to my youtube account if you have an account, also like and favorite it! thanks! you deserve a cookie of some sort.. maybe a cool-aid.. not sure..

1.) What do you look like?
2.) Why am I here?
3.) Talk dirty to me
4.) Tell me a story
5.) I can do this all day long
6.) What are you wearing?
7.) Will you marry me?
8.) You're sexy
9.) You're a loser
10.) Sing a song
11.) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
12.) Where are you from?
13.) How old are you?
14.) I need to hide a body
15.) Open the pod bay doors
16.) Tell me a joke
17.) Knock knock
18.) What is the meaning of life?
19.) How hot is it outside?
20.) You're funny!
21.) What is your favorite color?
22.) Stop copying me.
23.) I'm tired
24.) Testing, testing
25.) What are you doing?
26.) Did you fart?
27.) Is there a God?
28.) What's your family like?
29.) You should go on a diet
30.) LOL
31.) Ha Ha Ha!
32.) You are boring
33.) Happy Birthday!
34.) I can't see you
35.) Who is Siri?
36.) Are you human?
37.) You're smart
38.) Can I borrow some money?
39.) Do you agree with me?
40.) Good morning
41.) Why?
42.) Who's on first?
43.) How's it going?
44.) Tell me about yourself
45.) Are you male or female?
46.) Blah blah blah
47.) Take me to your leader
48.) Why not?
49.) Yo Momma
50.) What's your favorite type of music?

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