Friday, September 14, 2012

Dream Chasing!

This is another controversial subject in the modern world, how far will you go to achieve your dreams? As far as Sammy Hagar? It's possible, i can tell you that. I made a video to go along with this blog, watch it here!

If you wanna be good at something so you can show it, or if you want to show it off to the ladies, or become famous and have lots of fans... i remember last summer when i had 10 subscribers, i thought i had it made it. I had thought i had made it big! Now i'm going to tell you something that you may or may not of ever hear before, You can get anything you want in this life if you work for it. Anything you want, you can have. But here's a secret;Ya gotta work, work, work, work, work, and when you think you've made it, you gotta work, work, work, work, work even harder! The world does not stop for dream chasers (yet).

Don't wait till you can see the other side, do it now. Don't be like that man on 'Up' that forgot about his dreams until his wife passed, medicare won't pay for your mishaps. But if you find your dreams later in life, the end of your life will be handed to you on a silver platter. Sammy Hagar... well he's not really my friend... but He came from virtually nothing. He literatly had to work all summer long just to afford a pair of school shoes, and now he's a rock LEGEND!

You'll have to be willing to the extra mile to acchieve something that you wanna do. You're going to have to make a lot of sacrifices and a lot of changes in order to get what you want to get done. You can't just sit around and say "I'm going to do this someday" and never do it. Instead of procrastinating, do it now! You can't just assume it's going to happen, you have to make it happen! You have to make sure it happens by not just following your dreams, but making it happen and chasing your dreams! In fact, put your dreams in a headlock, make sure they know what they're supposed to do.

Everybody is entitled to their own dream, no matter how small or how big it is. You have to have something you wanna keep shooting for and keep trying for. It could be as big as becoming the next justin bieber... or it could be as getting your dream bedroom or getting the job you want. maybe your dream, like me is to get in front of a camera and make people laugh. But everyone wants to acchieve something in their life, and for the most part, people want to become famous. That means everyone, your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, your dog, your deceased fish, that guy next to you in math class... your grandma's best friend from 2nd grade back in the 1940's...

But not many people really accomplish their dreams. Do they not chase after their dreams because they thought they couldn't make it? Did they not chase after their dreams because they thought they were worthless? Did they chase after their dreams and discover that they can't do what they wanted to do? I mean you literatly have to put every good idea in the trash and make eveverything excellent, and even after that, you have to make it better and make more!

You have to block out the people that don't believe in you, you have to block out spectators, commentors, your parents, society, you have to block out everyone that gets in your way. don't stop chasing your dreams becuase someone says you can't make it, or you find your place and you can't do it. Even if you want to be a famous basketball player and can't dribble, you want to be a doctor and you can't put on a band-aid. You don't have to be the best to be the best, you just have to believe in yourself. You can be the worst person out there looking person in the world, but you could have amazing talent. You could be really famous, and not have much talent.

Don't let anyone say that you can't do it because your not good at something... and even if you aren't good at it, you can get better at it. You gotta block out everything and you gotta do what you wanna do no matter what it takes to get there. Now if you have a dream, get off this blog and go do it, because you're missing out! The only thing better than chasing your dreams is living your dreams. It doesn't get any better than that, now shouldn't you be chasing your dreams right now?

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