Saturday, September 15, 2012

Facebook Is Dead... Here's Why.

This post is about Facebook and why it is worse now than ever. I hope you can see why after reading this... please leave your personal opinion in the comments below. I actually made a video off this concept, watch it here!

2007- Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends, old classmates, and family.
2012- Facebook is a great way to creep on people, go on like attacks, sit back and enjoy the drama, read or post pointless status updates, tell people about the sex you had last night

This is a list of reasons of why i don't like facebook...

1.) I hate the people that post to your wall, facebook chat, comment on your updates, and interact with you, but in real life, not a word is said.

2.) I Don't like People that post updates, pictures and do all that a normal facebooker would do, but they don't have a picture for their profile, or they have one and none of them are of their face.

3.) I hate Being tagged in horrible pictures, when you tell them not to!

4.) Who doesn't hate People that "TyPe LiEk DiS" or they have no idea of how to spell. Period. The only reason i would misspell something is if my keyboard is laggy and it doesn't send a letter or two to the screen, not intentional, accidental.

5.) I don't like Being forced to friend your family... on a funny note, i got my facebook account in 2010, and i got an account AFTER my parents and grandparents already had an account, another wierd thing; my 90 year old great-grandma is also on facebook, however, she doesn't use it that often, then again, maybe i just use mine too often XD. You have to keep everything clean so grandma doesn't think your something you're not... A simple case of word choice can curve a relative's point of view on you, think "would grandma approve this?" It can also get very awkward when your close family is wondering when you are going to accept them.

6.) Why do people make an account and NEVER get on? facebook is meant to be a place where you can figure out what everyone is doing, if you only log in once every few months, what's the purpose? Please get rid of your account if you're not going to ever be on.

7.) I hate people that use hashtags on facebook... #swimming... they don't do anything on facebook but get you comments like "don't use hashtags on fb", keep 'em on twitter!

8.) I hate little kids on facebook, parents, don't be afraid to monitor your elementary schooler's online activity, they don't need to be on facebook, you should be at least middle school-aged to have an account. Oh also, if you are underage (under middleschool age), don't be posting "sexy" bikini pictures with your under developed bodies... Parents, take control.

9.) I hate birthdays on facebook, especially when you don't even know the person... you have no choice but to wish them a happy birthday. They will then "like" your post later on and maybe leave a comment. They will also put a status update on later saying "thanks for all the birthday wishes, people!"

10.) I despise game requests, we don't want your game requests, especially if you never post anything, i know you want some more points or whatever or maybe you need to send the request to 30 other people before advancing, sorry, don't want it. You also would prefer to spend your hard-earned money for some virtual money on a dumb game? seriously?  10 requests for the same game from the same person won't make me want to. Also, don't login to other sites with your facebook, it just tracks everything to your facebook wall.

11.) I hate people that have a page and post relatable or funny pictures constantly, but won't allow you to comment, but they can use it to tell everyone to subscribe to their feed and recieve 5000 friend requests in 5 minutes... this is extremely rude when it's a picture of a deformed or "world's prettiest teens" picture and they just post a "subscribe to me" and nobody else can post, like, they don't give a flying sh*t about the deformed kid.

12.) Who likes memes anymore? really, there are some good ones out there and i have made a few of my own, but they are so annoying. All they did was find a picture that would make them look like they're thinking about something, and put some words on it, and people make likers real easy by just posting these XD

13.) I hate pointless status updates... for example; "I broke up with John, and now we're back together for the 5th time, John says he loves me with all his heart." Please, he wants your pussy. Another example is "Going on vacation 2000 miles away"... Now people can come rob your house because you also have your address on facebook.

14.) I dislike people who post status updates... EVERY 5 MINUTES... No. The more you update, the less people will care. The saying "more is less" applies right here, right now, and forever.

15.) It's creepy when someone you have never ever heard talk or talk to you, messages you. I'm like "what do you need?". I've never heard you talk to me before, why are you talking to me?

16.) I hate it when i get invited to an event, especially ones that i really don't care about. 10 people inviting me to the same event also won't convince me that i need to go.

And Finally...

17.) Please stop liking your own status updates, even if you really REALLY like your picture, don't. Makes you look like a looser.

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