Friday, September 14, 2012

Top 50 Excuses for ANY occasion!!!

Here are some of the top excuses that i have thought up, most of these will actually work, as most are reasonable. I actually made a youtube video out of this! watch it here!

Please leave a reply if you have any unique excuses that worked, or if any particular excuses of mine worked.

1.) I had explosive diarrhea
2.) I Got Food poisioning from a bad glass of milk
3.) I Just found out i was lactose intolerant
4.) My mom decided to home school me...she gave up on me so i'm back!
5.) I was kidnapped!
6.) My house caught fire!
7.) My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roomate died and i had to attend the funeral
8.) I read online that all the teachers were taking a day off
9.) Because i said so
10.) I had to redo my homework because my dog did my homework and then ate it...
11.) Potatoes!
12.) I was thinking of excuses to be late!
13.) I didn't have the motivation, so i just didn't come.
14.) I was working so i could get money to get into college!
15.) We had a power outage last night!
16.) I went to sleep at like 3 finishing homework from my math class!
17.) A Skunk sprayed me right as i was walking out to my car!
18.) I decided to go green by not burning any energy today!
19.) I was watching videos on youtube on how to become a vegan
20.) A mouse was in my bedroom
21.) I had to figure out how to apply the thing we're learning in class to real life
22.) I visited a college!
23.) It was my birthday!
24.) I dropped my phone in the toilet!
25.) I just got a new car, so i figure i take it out for a cruise before work... i got lost.
26.) I fell down the stairs sleepwalking last night... wanna see my bruises?
27.) I was thinking about life and politics and deep thoughts about the future and then i realized that i hadn't left the house yet.
28.) I forgot where my car keys where!
29.) I forgot how to breathe
30.) I saw my parents doing it :i
31.) I found this way to make money online and i made $7,000 in the week i wasn't at school, i don't need school anymore
32.) Who needs school when you got swag?
33.) The Good lord knew it was best for me to be an hour late today
34.) I got one of those tempur pedic beds and i couldn't get out of it, i was stuck in the bed.
35.) I had to explain to my 4 year old where babies come from
36.) Two guys were holding up traffic with an invisible rope
37.) No, Why were YOU late?
38.) I was pretending to be a cat!
39.) Dude, I attended woodstock!
40.) My 65 Pound Pooch Wouldn't get off my lap!
41.) I had to attend a Religious ceremony
42.) I saw a transformer!
43.) My underwear shrunk in the dryer!
44.) I had to dance in the rain! We haven't had rain all summer long!
45.) I don't have an excuse... but i have the phone number to the man's mailbox that i hit
46.) Idk, pick a excuse for me!
47.) The Flux capacitor failed on me
48.) Today was senior skip day!
49.) I could only find one of my shoes... figured out that the dog ate it, so i had to go out and buy a new pair!
50.) Long story...

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