Monday, December 31, 2012

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Facebook Is Dead... Here's Why.

This post is about Facebook and why it is worse now than ever. I hope you can see why after reading this... please leave your personal opinion in the comments below. I actually made a video off this concept, watch it here!

2007- Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends, old classmates, and family.
2012- Facebook is a great way to creep on people, go on like attacks, sit back and enjoy the drama, read or post pointless status updates, tell people about the sex you had last night

This is a list of reasons of why i don't like facebook...

1.) I hate the people that post to your wall, facebook chat, comment on your updates, and interact with you, but in real life, not a word is said.

2.) I Don't like People that post updates, pictures and do all that a normal facebooker would do, but they don't have a picture for their profile, or they have one and none of them are of their face.

3.) I hate Being tagged in horrible pictures, when you tell them not to!

4.) Who doesn't hate People that "TyPe LiEk DiS" or they have no idea of how to spell. Period. The only reason i would misspell something is if my keyboard is laggy and it doesn't send a letter or two to the screen, not intentional, accidental.

5.) I don't like Being forced to friend your family... on a funny note, i got my facebook account in 2010, and i got an account AFTER my parents and grandparents already had an account, another wierd thing; my 90 year old great-grandma is also on facebook, however, she doesn't use it that often, then again, maybe i just use mine too often XD. You have to keep everything clean so grandma doesn't think your something you're not... A simple case of word choice can curve a relative's point of view on you, think "would grandma approve this?" It can also get very awkward when your close family is wondering when you are going to accept them.

6.) Why do people make an account and NEVER get on? facebook is meant to be a place where you can figure out what everyone is doing, if you only log in once every few months, what's the purpose? Please get rid of your account if you're not going to ever be on.

7.) I hate people that use hashtags on facebook... #swimming... they don't do anything on facebook but get you comments like "don't use hashtags on fb", keep 'em on twitter!

8.) I hate little kids on facebook, parents, don't be afraid to monitor your elementary schooler's online activity, they don't need to be on facebook, you should be at least middle school-aged to have an account. Oh also, if you are underage (under middleschool age), don't be posting "sexy" bikini pictures with your under developed bodies... Parents, take control.

9.) I hate birthdays on facebook, especially when you don't even know the person... you have no choice but to wish them a happy birthday. They will then "like" your post later on and maybe leave a comment. They will also put a status update on later saying "thanks for all the birthday wishes, people!"

10.) I despise game requests, we don't want your game requests, especially if you never post anything, i know you want some more points or whatever or maybe you need to send the request to 30 other people before advancing, sorry, don't want it. You also would prefer to spend your hard-earned money for some virtual money on a dumb game? seriously?  10 requests for the same game from the same person won't make me want to. Also, don't login to other sites with your facebook, it just tracks everything to your facebook wall.

11.) I hate people that have a page and post relatable or funny pictures constantly, but won't allow you to comment, but they can use it to tell everyone to subscribe to their feed and recieve 5000 friend requests in 5 minutes... this is extremely rude when it's a picture of a deformed or "world's prettiest teens" picture and they just post a "subscribe to me" and nobody else can post, like, they don't give a flying sh*t about the deformed kid.

12.) Who likes memes anymore? really, there are some good ones out there and i have made a few of my own, but they are so annoying. All they did was find a picture that would make them look like they're thinking about something, and put some words on it, and people make likers real easy by just posting these XD

13.) I hate pointless status updates... for example; "I broke up with John, and now we're back together for the 5th time, John says he loves me with all his heart." Please, he wants your pussy. Another example is "Going on vacation 2000 miles away"... Now people can come rob your house because you also have your address on facebook.

14.) I dislike people who post status updates... EVERY 5 MINUTES... No. The more you update, the less people will care. The saying "more is less" applies right here, right now, and forever.

15.) It's creepy when someone you have never ever heard talk or talk to you, messages you. I'm like "what do you need?". I've never heard you talk to me before, why are you talking to me?

16.) I hate it when i get invited to an event, especially ones that i really don't care about. 10 people inviting me to the same event also won't convince me that i need to go.

And Finally...

17.) Please stop liking your own status updates, even if you really REALLY like your picture, don't. Makes you look like a looser.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dream Chasing!

This is another controversial subject in the modern world, how far will you go to achieve your dreams? As far as Sammy Hagar? It's possible, i can tell you that. I made a video to go along with this blog, watch it here!

If you wanna be good at something so you can show it, or if you want to show it off to the ladies, or become famous and have lots of fans... i remember last summer when i had 10 subscribers, i thought i had it made it. I had thought i had made it big! Now i'm going to tell you something that you may or may not of ever hear before, You can get anything you want in this life if you work for it. Anything you want, you can have. But here's a secret;Ya gotta work, work, work, work, work, and when you think you've made it, you gotta work, work, work, work, work even harder! The world does not stop for dream chasers (yet).

Don't wait till you can see the other side, do it now. Don't be like that man on 'Up' that forgot about his dreams until his wife passed, medicare won't pay for your mishaps. But if you find your dreams later in life, the end of your life will be handed to you on a silver platter. Sammy Hagar... well he's not really my friend... but He came from virtually nothing. He literatly had to work all summer long just to afford a pair of school shoes, and now he's a rock LEGEND!

You'll have to be willing to the extra mile to acchieve something that you wanna do. You're going to have to make a lot of sacrifices and a lot of changes in order to get what you want to get done. You can't just sit around and say "I'm going to do this someday" and never do it. Instead of procrastinating, do it now! You can't just assume it's going to happen, you have to make it happen! You have to make sure it happens by not just following your dreams, but making it happen and chasing your dreams! In fact, put your dreams in a headlock, make sure they know what they're supposed to do.

Everybody is entitled to their own dream, no matter how small or how big it is. You have to have something you wanna keep shooting for and keep trying for. It could be as big as becoming the next justin bieber... or it could be as getting your dream bedroom or getting the job you want. maybe your dream, like me is to get in front of a camera and make people laugh. But everyone wants to acchieve something in their life, and for the most part, people want to become famous. That means everyone, your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, your dog, your deceased fish, that guy next to you in math class... your grandma's best friend from 2nd grade back in the 1940's...

But not many people really accomplish their dreams. Do they not chase after their dreams because they thought they couldn't make it? Did they not chase after their dreams because they thought they were worthless? Did they chase after their dreams and discover that they can't do what they wanted to do? I mean you literatly have to put every good idea in the trash and make eveverything excellent, and even after that, you have to make it better and make more!

You have to block out the people that don't believe in you, you have to block out spectators, commentors, your parents, society, you have to block out everyone that gets in your way. don't stop chasing your dreams becuase someone says you can't make it, or you find your place and you can't do it. Even if you want to be a famous basketball player and can't dribble, you want to be a doctor and you can't put on a band-aid. You don't have to be the best to be the best, you just have to believe in yourself. You can be the worst person out there looking person in the world, but you could have amazing talent. You could be really famous, and not have much talent.

Don't let anyone say that you can't do it because your not good at something... and even if you aren't good at it, you can get better at it. You gotta block out everything and you gotta do what you wanna do no matter what it takes to get there. Now if you have a dream, get off this blog and go do it, because you're missing out! The only thing better than chasing your dreams is living your dreams. It doesn't get any better than that, now shouldn't you be chasing your dreams right now?

Top 50 Excuses for ANY occasion!!!

Here are some of the top excuses that i have thought up, most of these will actually work, as most are reasonable. I actually made a youtube video out of this! watch it here!

Please leave a reply if you have any unique excuses that worked, or if any particular excuses of mine worked.

1.) I had explosive diarrhea
2.) I Got Food poisioning from a bad glass of milk
3.) I Just found out i was lactose intolerant
4.) My mom decided to home school me...she gave up on me so i'm back!
5.) I was kidnapped!
6.) My house caught fire!
7.) My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roomate died and i had to attend the funeral
8.) I read online that all the teachers were taking a day off
9.) Because i said so
10.) I had to redo my homework because my dog did my homework and then ate it...
11.) Potatoes!
12.) I was thinking of excuses to be late!
13.) I didn't have the motivation, so i just didn't come.
14.) I was working so i could get money to get into college!
15.) We had a power outage last night!
16.) I went to sleep at like 3 finishing homework from my math class!
17.) A Skunk sprayed me right as i was walking out to my car!
18.) I decided to go green by not burning any energy today!
19.) I was watching videos on youtube on how to become a vegan
20.) A mouse was in my bedroom
21.) I had to figure out how to apply the thing we're learning in class to real life
22.) I visited a college!
23.) It was my birthday!
24.) I dropped my phone in the toilet!
25.) I just got a new car, so i figure i take it out for a cruise before work... i got lost.
26.) I fell down the stairs sleepwalking last night... wanna see my bruises?
27.) I was thinking about life and politics and deep thoughts about the future and then i realized that i hadn't left the house yet.
28.) I forgot where my car keys where!
29.) I forgot how to breathe
30.) I saw my parents doing it :i
31.) I found this way to make money online and i made $7,000 in the week i wasn't at school, i don't need school anymore
32.) Who needs school when you got swag?
33.) The Good lord knew it was best for me to be an hour late today
34.) I got one of those tempur pedic beds and i couldn't get out of it, i was stuck in the bed.
35.) I had to explain to my 4 year old where babies come from
36.) Two guys were holding up traffic with an invisible rope
37.) No, Why were YOU late?
38.) I was pretending to be a cat!
39.) Dude, I attended woodstock!
40.) My 65 Pound Pooch Wouldn't get off my lap!
41.) I had to attend a Religious ceremony
42.) I saw a transformer!
43.) My underwear shrunk in the dryer!
44.) I had to dance in the rain! We haven't had rain all summer long!
45.) I don't have an excuse... but i have the phone number to the man's mailbox that i hit
46.) Idk, pick a excuse for me!
47.) The Flux capacitor failed on me
48.) Today was senior skip day!
49.) I could only find one of my shoes... figured out that the dog ate it, so i had to go out and buy a new pair!
50.) Long story...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to go about being yourself

If you haven't noticed what all my channels are about, the main idea is that you should be yourself and that nobody should be able to tell you differently. There are lots of people out there that want to do something different, but are afraid of what their "friends" will think and tell them to do. I gave up that sellout a long time ago people, am I a philosopher? No. I have beliefs and i ain't afraid to show it! I'm unique and i show it, I'm unique and i show it, I love antique and i really show that! I love my style and i love my music, guess what? I love it and i show it!
You want to be yourself, however you aren't sure how to do this. Let me first assure you that you are not alone, many people struggle with this and really want to go outside with what society considers "normal". In order to do what you want to do, it may be already what everyone else is already doing. However the only real tip you need is "always be yourself and never feel unappreciated for being what you want to be, it's your body so do what you want to do with it!

You were put on this earth to be just like everyone else, right?


Don't be afraid to express yourselves and do what you want with your body. Don't rely on other peoples thoughts to serve how you live

The new pair of shoes somebody has on that just came out in the market DOESN'T have to be your new pair of shoes, we don't all have to be identical and have THE EXACT SAME LIKES AND DISLIKES!!! This relates to the theme park theory; if everyone in the world liked the same types of rides, there would be more of the same rides and the lines would be longer, the more things would be in the world and the higher the demand would go up.

The "ideal society" and the "american dream" can have different opinions depending on the person. We all have different viewpoints and we should be proud of our uniqueness. If we all liked the same types of music, the world would be boring. If we all liked the same type of shoes, the world would be boring. If we all di well in school and succeeded to college and got a diploma from college, we would be boring but rich, however the demand for high-end jobs would be EXTREMELY demanding and more people would likely be on the streets and not have a clue as to how to find a job or make money seeing as everyone else is asking for money on the streets and the people that had jobs would prob get less money because the USA would be even broker than ever and nobody would ave money.

When you were a little kid, you were told that boys have short hair and girls have long hair, boys wear blue and girls wear pink, boys like trucks and girls like barbies/princesses. How much of that is true, at a young age you just go with it and you don't know why, just because mom says so. As you age, you learn that people judge you after EVERYTHING you DO, SAY, WEAR, OR LOOK LIKE. Walk away form this, you can question, "hey, i like pink and i'm a boy, its okay!". You can get in trouble for saying these things, the opposite of what your "supposed" to look like or do, but the thing is, we LIVE off what people say and generally do it. That doesn't fly for me! I feel as i should be doing as i feel when i feel and wear my hair as i please, as long as i want it, as big as i want it, the clothes type, brand and way i wear it, my shoes, it's all my stuff and under my control, not someone who doesn't agree with me and i'm "supposed" to go out and do what they say lol? If you ask me really, they have no place to be judging me or telling me to do something to change it or to appeal to them because they see you as not normal and in their line of site, NO. JUST NO.

This is a meme i made to express exactly this point!/photo.php?fbid=400007923389695&set=a.205644222826067.49523.167615376628952&type=1&theater

Your parents told you that you should be yourself, but are you really following their orders? most likely no. Thismay be the most used line from parents "just be yourself", do what they told you to do and you will be happy :)

If you really want to strive to be all you can be and do all you can do, it may take a bit of work, like having to write this in order to get adsence to review this website and so i can get paid for my videos. Dare to be yourself, find yourself if you haven't yet, it can be quite fun. How much more should i write? really don't want to be writting this down because i'm more of an oral person and would much rather like to express this thru a video and in a vlogging style. it's really so hard to see someone for their true identity, but if you find yourself and your friends and parents don't like or agree with it, you know they're really not real. If your parents todyo to be yourself and you've finally found yourself but your parents don't like it, well they are kinda sad. If your friends don't like the "new" you, they aren't your real friends, your real friends will like you for who you are.

Must i go on? My new style is getting in the way of others! I'm not even sure if i even like it anymore and it might look better in the future, but i don't like it right now, so i'm gonna go back to my "original" self and conform to society again. NO! NEVER think this! The more you think about this, the more you might actually end up doing so!

What my show is about

Our main focus is to be as liberal as possble, it doesn't seem that way and that may be the only way to describe the show, but that is what we are focused around. I have strange ideas and theories, long hair and i try to get other people to get my point. The main basis is to be who you want and think what you want, and to not let anyone else get in the way of achieving your dream, wether it be winning an Olympic gold metal, earning the nobel peace prize, flying to the moon or something as simple as having a garden with beautiful tomatoes and gourds in it, that's al right with me!

Most of my theories are just my opinions on subject, many of them can be taken very different ways and can be very controversial in the world, you don't need to agree with you, i 100% understand you if you don't agree with me. I am just one person and there are billions of people in the world! Even if someone so large and very agreeable and famous and such had an idea, not even close to the number of people in the world would even get the idea, like they would have no way of hearing of it due to the lack of technology.

Another basis on my channel is that the old shines better than the new. Classic rock and roll and metal is much better than modern pop and rap/hip hop or name any other type of music today, even rock is a bit worse now than it was. People that listen to the music that i listen to know what i'm talking about, that took TRUE talent and in my opinion, the stars today have really no talent. Just to name a few of my favorites; Sammy Hagar, Van Halen, The Stones, Def Leppard, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Peter Frampton, and Motley Crue.

My Subscribers are the best thing that has ever happened to me, they mean the world. You may look at my channel page and just see something that someone just does when he's bored. That may be partially true, but i see my dreams, my passion, my future, my get-ahead spirit. As of now, i plan to become an actor in the near future. I am entering my senior year of high school and after that i plan to go to my local junior college and get the neccessary classes ie. science, math, english, etc. and then go up to NIU (northern illinois university) and get a major in communications science and a minor in acting/theatre arts. After i have my Bachelors degree, i plan to find an acting school (not sure what one yet). Anyways, i will be 17 when i am starting to go to college, but will be turning 18 in September. this means that i will be 19 going on 20 when i am actually away from home and in a dorm and will be 21 going on 22 when i start at acting school. My hair length goal will be accomplished by the time i am 20 hopefully so it should make the college experience so much more!

Thank you for your support, i cherish you all!